Terms & Policies



In order to attend the seminar or access the webinar, live or after the fact, each individual that purchases the seminar, either in-person or via the webinar option, is required to provide personal information, including but limited to, name, email, address, and phone number. This information will be used to provide access to the seminar. By registering for Beyond Superseding SIBO, you agree to allow us to use your information and share it with the third parties we employ to deliver the content electronically after the fact.


All billing will be done through the website and is securely processed with Stripe, as mediated through Squarespace. The transaction details, including credit card number, expiry date and CVV code are not made available to Superseding SIBO or any of our partners. We do not store financial information on our site for any reason, all transactions are performed through a third party, Stripe, in order to secure your information.


All purchases are non-refundable and non-transferable.


Beyond Superseding SIBO is a seminar that goes into in-depth medical details pertaining to Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth, and other intestinal dysbiosis. Emphasis will be placed on etiology, pathology, biochemistry, pharmacology, diagnosis, and treatment. Attendees acknowledge that they are medical professionals in their location of practice and may use the information within the seminar to gain greater understanding regarding SIBO and other dysbiosis. Additionally, the information provided is meant to enhance clinical outcomes through greater clinician understanding. Each clinician must exercise their own professional judgement with respect to each case, and place emphasis on treating the cause for each individual.

Beyond Superseding SIBO and the treatment protocols presented, as provided by www.SupersedingSIBO.ca is not a one-size-fits-all treatment plan; each attendee takes full responsibility for the treatment plans they implement with patients, including outcomes, both positive and negative.

Each attendee attests that they will use no information gathered on this site or its related activities beyond their own clinical judgement nor use the information herein if it contravenes local, provincial, state and federal laws, in addition to professional regulations, standards of practice and guidelines based on their professional regulatory college.


SupersedingSIBO.ca has made contact with the CNPBC and CONO and provided necessary information in order to gain approval for CE Credits for attendees. It is the attendees responsibility to record their CE Credits with their regulator in order to apply the CE Credits.


By registering for Beyond Superseding SIBO, registrants agree to the terms found herein.