Dr. Preet Khangura, ND is a fixture in the world of SIBO diagnosis, treatment, and education. His naturopathic practice is strongly focused on SIBO, other gastrointestinal dysbiosis, and autoimmunity. He is a founding member of SIBO Doctors, as well as an owner of the highly regarded SIBO Diagnostics laboratory, located in Victoria, British Columbia. Dr. Khangura has pioneered treatment and prevention protocols and strives to share his knowledge with other doctors through his active participation on social media, complimentary consults for doctors using SIBO Diagnostics, as well as the in-depth education from his Beyond Superseding SIBO Seminars and when presenting at conferences and educational dinners.
In the last 5 years, Dr. Khangura has had the pleasure to educate thousands of medical professionals and patients on the details of SIBO through his Superseding Seminar series. To help doctors from across North America achieve optimal clinical outcomes with their patients, Dr. Khangura has shared his clinically developed and tested herbal formulations, pharmaceutical and natural protocols, and his wealth of knowledge on gastrointestinal conditions.
The Essentials to the Elemental Diet Webinar will be heavily focused on the Elemental Diet and will go through questions and real life applications of this treatment option for patients. Dr. Preet Khangura’s dive into the Essentials of the Elemental Diet is a great addition to the Beyond Superseding SIBO Seminar.